Ohlédnutí za GNOME 3Launch Party
GNOME 3Launch Party byla oficiální release party organizovaná ve spolupráci s GNOME Foundation, Red hat a klubem Silicon Hill . Akce proběhla 9.4.2011 ve Školicím centru.

Přednáškový sál SC Silicon Hill, zdroj: Tomáš Srna
Přednášková část trvala 4 hodiny a obsahovala následující přednášky:
• GNOME 3 a okolní knihovny – představení GNOME 3 a knihoven GTK+ 3, glib,… z pohledu uživatele a vývojáře (prezentoval Tomáš Bžatek, GNOME vývojář ze společnosti Red Hat a Tomeu Vizoso, španělský GNOME vývojář)
• Unity jako alternativní cesta – představení alternativního rozhraní pro GNOME z dílny Canonical (prezentoval Vojtěch Trefný, vedoucí české komunity Ubuntu)
• GNOME Release and Bug Management – přednáška o plánování vývoje a systému bugzilly GNOME (prezentoval Andre Klapper, člen release teamu GNOME)
• Lokalizace GNOME – lokalizace GNOME nejen do češtiny (prezentoval Petr Kovář, vedoucí českého lokalizačního týmu)
Akce se zúčastnilo odhadem 70 návštěvníků. Někteří z ních se pak společně přemístili do restaturace Petřín na bloku 8, kde ze zúčastnili neoficiálního krátjení G3 dortu.
Kompletní foto dokumentace je připravena ke stažení .
Pavla Slezáková | 15. Duben 2011 |
Komentáře k článku
KRzysztof 6.7.2015 20:49:
Details======= + clutter (external ddncneepey): general consensus around it and people want to play with it there's not a lot of code depending on it right now (not sure there'll be anything in the 2.24 timeframe) but it's a chicken & egg problem and people have really shown interest in it => approved It's important to not have clutter-only UIs for now (for accessibility reasons), though. + libcanberra (external ddncneepey): some +1 on the lists, and already used in some parts of GNOME would have been nice to see it come earlier in the cycle => approved + libgda (external ddncneepey): applications using libgda are not ported to 4.0 yet no real support on the mailing list => rejected For the anjuta plugin using it: we suggest to either make it optional or ship it separetely of the main anjuta module. + PolicyKit & PolicyKit-gnome (external dependencies): the plan is to have PolicyKit-gnome in the desktop set for 2.26 people are already using it and there's some good consensus around it helps improve accessibility of security-related UIs this is a good first step towards inclusion in the desktop set later => approved + WebKit/GTK+ (external ddncneepey): lots of community support accessibility support might not be good enough (no reply from WebKit/GTK+ people) epiphany will still use Gecko for 2.24 yelp is still using Gecko at the moment (there's a WebKit branch) devhelp trunk is WebKit-only evolution people intend to use WebKit in 2.26 we'd prefer to avoid depending on both Gecko and WebKit at the same time => rejected for 2.24, but we'll propose a general switch for 2.26 + conduit (desktop) amazing participation of the maintainer in the discussion the major problem still is the UI, though. We think it should be mainly integrated in the applications that will use synchronization instead of being a brand new UI. we really want what conduit offers => rejected, but we bless it as an external ddncneepey so that applications can start using it, and so that it gets ready for integration in 2.26. + empathy (desktop) we only consider the application here and trust the telepathy plans to offer LGPL libraries empathy is getting some support in the community we want to start telepathy integration => approved, but the licensing question is highly important to us and we really urge the telepathy community to fix this + project hamster (desktop) well-maintained people like it the main objection is about whether we should accept all good software in official GNOME or not. The release team thinks it's something that the 3.0 proposal aims to fix, so that shouldn't be considered at the moment. => approved if moved in GNOME SVN SVN module should be created (bug #545049), releases should be published on the GNOME FTP and the module should be added to Damned Lies. Also following the GNOME version numbers would be good. + gtksourceview 1 (removal from desktop set) => not an issue, so removed + libgnomeprint & libgnomeprintui (removal from desktop set) Mike Kestner will work on splitting the C# bindings out of gnome-desktop-sharp => will be removed once this is done
KRzysztof 6.7.2015 20:50:
Details======= + clutter (external ddncneepey): general consensus around it and people want to play with it there's not a lot of code depending on it right now (not sure there'll be anything in the 2.24 timeframe) but it's a chicken & egg problem and people have really shown interest in it => approved It's important to not have clutter-only UIs for now (for accessibility reasons), though. + libcanberra (external ddncneepey): some +1 on the lists, and already used in some parts of GNOME would have been nice to see it come earlier in the cycle => approved + libgda (external ddncneepey): applications using libgda are not ported to 4.0 yet no real support on the mailing list => rejected For the anjuta plugin using it: we suggest to either make it optional or ship it separetely of the main anjuta module. + PolicyKit & PolicyKit-gnome (external dependencies): the plan is to have PolicyKit-gnome in the desktop set for 2.26 people are already using it and there's some good consensus around it helps improve accessibility of security-related UIs this is a good first step towards inclusion in the desktop set later => approved + WebKit/GTK+ (external ddncneepey): lots of community support accessibility support might not be good enough (no reply from WebKit/GTK+ people) epiphany will still use Gecko for 2.24 yelp is still using Gecko at the moment (there's a WebKit branch) devhelp trunk is WebKit-only evolution people intend to use WebKit in 2.26 we'd prefer to avoid depending on both Gecko and WebKit at the same time => rejected for 2.24, but we'll propose a general switch for 2.26 + conduit (desktop) amazing participation of the maintainer in the discussion the major problem still is the UI, though. We think it should be mainly integrated in the applications that will use synchronization instead of being a brand new UI. we really want what conduit offers => rejected, but we bless it as an external ddncneepey so that applications can start using it, and so that it gets ready for integration in 2.26. + empathy (desktop) we only consider the application here and trust the telepathy plans to offer LGPL libraries empathy is getting some support in the community we want to start telepathy integration => approved, but the licensing question is highly important to us and we really urge the telepathy community to fix this + project hamster (desktop) well-maintained people like it the main objection is about whether we should accept all good software in official GNOME or not. The release team thinks it's something that the 3.0 proposal aims to fix, so that shouldn't be considered at the moment. => approved if moved in GNOME SVN SVN module should be created (bug #545049), releases should be published on the GNOME FTP and the module should be added to Damned Lies. Also following the GNOME version numbers would be good. + gtksourceview 1 (removal from desktop set) => not an issue, so removed + libgnomeprint & libgnomeprintui (removal from desktop set) Mike Kestner will work on splitting the C# bindings out of gnome-desktop-sharp => will be removed once this is done
Crystal 6.7.2015 20:53:
I have the Music Notation Primer located by stohrcut on my desktop as a ready reference and learning guide. Although I am new to classical guitar, I do compose on the piano and keyboard, and I used to write songs for the guitar with singing. When I took up classical guitar after a long absence from playing guitar at all, I did so in order to become knowledgeable about music theory and to sight read for the guitar. In keyboard music I rely on improvisation for compositions, a mode I profoundly worship. However, my desire is to become more fully versed in classical guitar both in theory and in sight reading. I took up classical guitar in truth in order to learn how to play J.S. Bach. Bach is my goal because he is to me the penultimate composer of Western style music. I also began to write a piece for classical guitar, a composition which intrigues me; for this composing work besides the studies I need, to have a reference handy like the Music Notation Primer will give me great encouragement and facility. This is a great gift. So far I have learned one piece well and I am now seeing the perfection of Allegretto by De Visee coming along at last; just today, I have returned to the piece I am composing. The Music Notation Primer will guide me well. Thanks to a fine contributor to the music culture of the Internet, Mr Maurice. We all appreciate your work and renditions here. They make learning possible.Sincerely,Marilynn Stark
Johnelle 8.7.2015 07:38:
I thought I'd have to read a book for a <a href="http://trettbzz.com">diorevscy</a> like this!
Kleea 11.7.2015 23:04:
Thanks for your E-book and Generosity. Thank you for an excellent site for<a href="http://oihukgv.com"> lainnerg</a> classical guitar . I'm 53 and never think that I can play classical guitar. I started practiced to your lesson in for years and this make me very happy and proud even I’m not a good musician. Thank you very much and You should know that you make many people in the world have a better life.Regard, Suchai
Steve 11.7.2015 23:04:
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Alexandre 14.7.2015 13:07:
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Tun 14.7.2015 13:07:
Dear Trevor,Thank you for your generosity prinidovg the music theory notebook.I am a pianist teaching myself to play guitar.Can you recommend software or theory papers for learning the notes on the fretboard? I need lots of repetition in addition to playing and saying the note names.I am happy to purchase if it is not a free offer.gratefully,Barbara http://iplptipo.com [url=http://dxwnsljakvx.com]dxwnsljakvx[/url] [link=http://nvlvag.com]nvlvag[/link]
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